Monday, May 11, 2009

Best Removal? I Think Not

The Alara block is now complete, but the question is what is the best removal in the block is it Terminate or Path To Exile?..

For me both of these cards are competitive, from there color and there ability. But which one is better?

First let us examine Path To Exile, a one to cast instant from conflux this card is commonly used in white decks, even in control decks as long as it has white in it but why put it in a deck? The answer might be it's cost, its only one you can cast it as early as you put a land card from you're hand to play. It just not kill a creature it prevents it from coming back to play. But the consequence is, that player can search he's or her library for a land card, but what makes this unique is that the land is tap, it can not be used unless it is you're untap step. You can use Path To Exile before the end of you're opponents turn that way the land is tap and can not be used in you're turn preventing him or her using it to play spells in you're turn.

Now lets talk about the coming back card terminate, terminate comes from planeshift
this card was one of the best removal in Black/Red decks, but hes casting cost is not that easy, unlike Path To Exile which is only one. The best thing about terminate is it has no consequence it just destroy a creature and it can not be regenerated anymore, again unlike Path To Exile it doesn't remove the creature from returning it is just destroyed. Terminate cost 2 to cast a black mana and red which is more costly than Path To exile. But now terminate is commonly used in Black/Red decks because it is the only removal the black has. But for me terminate slows down deck because of its cost, its hard for a block constructed deck to produce land that fast, unlikely standard it has mana fixers, and land cards that can produce dual mana.

I can not personally choose among these two great cards, for me i like them both, that's why i have them both and make them separate decks to check whether which is better, but both card serve there users well and earn there rights as best cards in the block.

Illustration by

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